EXIT 10 Autorretratos
El autorretrato, género íntimo y personal que camina paralelo, pero autónomo, al retrato, nos ofrece la posibilidad de identificar a los artistas, de aplicar un rostro a un nombre con resonancias....
Bilbao (Spain), 1977. She earned an undergraduate degree from the Fine Arts Department-Bilbao of the Basque University in 2000. Her most recent work, the photographic series Citeron (2002-03) presents the artist herself duplicated and integrated into dramatic heart wrenching scenes and situations of powerful visual impact, dualities that reflect the conflicts and dilemmas of the artist, the woman and the subject in general. In her incipient yet intense career, she has carried out a variety of projects including installations and performances in Bilbao art spaces such as BilboArte, Abisal, the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo EGO and the Canal de Isabel II, in Madrid as well as the Fundación Botín, in Santander. She is represented by the Fernando Pradilla, Madrid, where she had an exhibition in 2003.
El autorretrato, género íntimo y personal que camina paralelo, pero autónomo, al retrato, nos ofrece la posibilidad de identificar a los artistas, de aplicar un rostro a un nombre con resonancias....