Array ( [0] => 103518 [1] => 103547 [2] => 103548 [3] => 103550 [4] => 103552 [5] => 103554 [6] => 103562 [7] => 103565 [8] => 103567 [9] => 103569 [10] => 103593 [11] => 103595 [12] => 103598 [13] => 103604 [14] => 103610 [15] => 103612 [16] => 103614 [17] => 99934 [18] => 99935 [19] => 99936 [20] => 99937 [21] => 99938 ) 1
size_articulos_ids: 22
Current ID: 103593
Current pos: 10
Articulo anterior: Edward Rozzo
Articulo siguiente: Christopher Anderson
prevID: 103569
nextID: 103595

Kader Attia

Fotografía de Kader Attia
Kader Attia. The Field of Emotion, 2018-19. Site-specific wall installation. Exhibition view "The Museum of Emotion", The Hayward Gallery, London, UK, 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York. Photo: Thierry Bal

Este dossier forma parte del texto Una emoción, una acto de pensamiento junto a los dossieres de Sam Taylor-Johnson, Bas Jan Ader, Dawn Parsonage, Edward Rozzo, Christopher Anderson, Antoine d’Agata y Tracey Moffatt.

Este artículo es para suscriptores de ARCHIVO
