Array ( [0] => 103518 [1] => 103547 [2] => 103548 [3] => 103550 [4] => 103552 [5] => 103554 [6] => 103562 [7] => 103565 [8] => 103567 [9] => 103569 [10] => 103593 [11] => 103595 [12] => 103598 [13] => 103604 [14] => 103610 [15] => 103612 [16] => 103614 [17] => 99934 [18] => 99935 [19] => 99936 [20] => 99937 [21] => 99938 ) 1
size_articulos_ids: 22
Current ID: 103554
Current pos: 5
Articulo anterior: Kelli Connell
Articulo siguiente: Sam Taylor-Johnson
prevID: 103552
nextID: 103562

Florian van Roekel

Florian van Roekel. Thursday 11 AM, Gym II, from Le Collège series, 2016. Courtesy of the artist.

Este dossier forma parte del texto Una historia cotidiana junto a los dossieres de Pedro Meyer, Nobuyoshi Araki, Laura Stevens, Kelli Connell y Larry Sultan.

Este artículo es para suscriptores de ARCHIVO
