Christopher Anderson. Stump no.0008, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam. @christopherandersonphoto
Este dossier forma parte del texto Una emoción, una acto de pensamiento junto a los dossieres de Sam Taylor-Johnson, Bas Jan Ader, Dawn Parsonage, Edward Rozzo, Kader Attia, Antoine d’Agata y Tracey Moffatt.
Christopher Anderson. Stump no.0009, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam. @christopherandersonphotoChristopher Anderson. Stump no.0023, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam. @christopherandersonphotoChristopher Anderson. Stump no.0021, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam. @christopherandersonphoto…