EXIT 35 Cortar y pegar
EXIT #35 traza un recorrido por el uso del fotocollage y el fotomontaje desde las vanguardias históricas hasta la actualidad. “Cambiar el mundo no es fácil, (…) pero cambiar su imagen,...
Ordizia, Spain, 1913 – Fruniz, Spain, 1937. A versatile artist, he created paintings, drawings and photographs. Particularly successful were his photocollages, which relate to the works of Rodchenko and Maholy Nagy, as well Surrealists and Dada artists, and depict the working class and the war. It was in fact while serving on the front of the Spanish Civil War that his promising career came to an abrupt end.
EXIT #35 traza un recorrido por el uso del fotocollage y el fotomontaje desde las vanguardias históricas hasta la actualidad. “Cambiar el mundo no es fácil, (…) pero cambiar su imagen,...