EXIT 2 Sobre la piel
Pintado, escrito, grabado sobre la piel, el tatuaje es una narración sobre nuestros miedos y nuestros deseos. La historia de cada tatuaje tiene una relación, no siempre tan clara, con la historia...
After earning a degree in photography from the San Francisco Art Institute, Katherine Du Thiel acts as visiting professor at that same center. In her photographs, focused on the body and the anatomy of human beings, the internal structure of the body emerges toward the exterior, like projections upon the surface of the selected parts. In keeping with this interest in anatomical dissection, her latest works revolve around a sort of fragmented self-portraits. Her work has appeared on Public Affairs Televison as well as in Parenting Magazine and See Magazine, and it has been exhibited in San Francisco Nudes, Seibundoshinkosha, 1995. She is represented by Morphos Gallery, San Francisco.
Pintado, escrito, grabado sobre la piel, el tatuaje es una narración sobre nuestros miedos y nuestros deseos. La historia de cada tatuaje tiene una relación, no siempre tan clara, con la historia...