EXIT 35 Cortar y pegar
EXIT #35 traza un recorrido por el uso del fotocollage y el fotomontaje desde las vanguardias históricas hasta la actualidad. “Cambiar el mundo no es fácil, (…) pero cambiar su imagen,...
Balingen (Germany), 1955. He began his career in the 1980s as a critic and editor of Fotokritik. When the magazine disappeared in 1987 Schmid focused on his own art work. In the series Photogenetic Drafts (1991) Schmid resumed portrait studies. At that time, he received a box of negatives from a Bavarian photography studio that had cut up negatives in order to render them useless, and he decided to assemble them into mismatching pairs, creating uncanny doubles that bring to light themes of gender, age and identity. www.schmid.wordpress.com
EXIT #35 traza un recorrido por el uso del fotocollage y el fotomontaje desde las vanguardias históricas hasta la actualidad. “Cambiar el mundo no es fácil, (…) pero cambiar su imagen,...